How to dry biltong fast – Tips And Tricks

How to dry biltong fast – Tips And Tricks

One of the most discouraging facts about making homemade biltong is the long drying time; it can take days or weeks for your favorite meat snack to be ready. However, you can use clever techniques and strategies to speed up the biltong drying process. In this blog post, you’ll learn how to dry biltong faster and prepare it to eat.


Famous Biltong Lovers Quotes

famous biltong lover quotes

Biltong lovers are naturally relaxed people: People who know how to take a break and relax. They’re a bit like surfers … for meat. Enjoy life, relax, grab a beer or a glass of wine and sit back with some biltong. We’ve collected the best quotes about biltong.


Biltong Mould, Everything You Need to Know in 10 Points

Bilong Mould, Everything You Need to Know in 10 Points

What is the white mold on my biltong? Are you worried about mold on your biltong? Don’t worry, we’re here to help! Keep your biltong free from mold the easy way. This is a common question we see, but don’t panic yet! It’s probably not even mold you’re seeing. Today we’re taking a deep dive into the ” white stuff” on your biltong, what causes it, how to save your snack, and whether or not you even need to worry.